Install htop linux
Install htop linux

For remote Amazon Linux AMI server login using ssh command.The procedure for installing htop Amazon Linux AMI is as follows:

install htop linux

It’s fantastic and lightweight compared to other options, such as Glance’s system monitor, and works well for desktop or server users.How to install htop on Amazon Linux AMI using yum Overall, most users prefer using Htop over the traditional Top viewer. The tutorial has demonstrated how to install the Htop interactive viewer on Rocky Linux 9 or 8 by importing the EPEL repository and installing the viewer for your alternative “top command” replacement. It is advised to keep EPEL installed, as this repository provides many alternative packages you may require in the future. Removing Htop from your system is straightforward. KeysĪdditional Commands & Tips Remove (Uninstall) Htop Htop Keyboard Shortsīelow is a list of the most commonly used shortcuts. htop -d 10Īs mentioned above, this has added a ten-second delay, but you can specify anything you want in seconds. One of the most common parameters is delaying the update frequency of Htop, as many have the application constantly running to monitor system or network performances. Sort by a specific column. A list of the permitted column names can be htop -s help output with The first time you open Htop, and after having a look, I would suggest pressing the F2 button and beginning to do some configurations, as you can customize or add missing things you would like to see.įurther options can be added to the Htop command, such as some standard parameters below. Htop 3.2.1 How to use Htop – Terminal CommandsĪs the name suggests, use the following command to bring up Htop in your terminal.

install htop linux

sudo dnf install htop -yĬonfirm the installation and version build using the htop –version command. To proceed with the installation, use the following command. Like Rocky Linux 9, install EPEL using the following (dnf) terminal command to install the EPEL repository for Rocky Linux 8.

install htop linux

Next, install EPEL using the following (dnf) terminal command. Enable EPEL Repositoryįirst, enable the CRB. sudo dnf upgrade -refresh Install Htop Interactive Viewerīy default, Rocky Linux does not have Htop available from its appstream so you will need the EPEL repository first. First, before proceeding, update your system to ensure no conflicts occur during the installation.

Install htop linux